About Our Class
The Younger Class at The New School is a mixed group of kindergarten, first- and second-graders who play, work and learn together. They are always an enthusiastic and lively bunch, filled with the very natural curiosity that the school seeks to encourage. Younger Classers are eager to explore, experience and control their world, and The New School environment allows them to spend their days learning to do so in productive and satisfying ways. For this age group, it is most obvious that their play IS their work and their work IS their play; the children, themselves, often use those terms interchangeably.
The teacher offers support and encouragement for individual learning processes and guides the students’ endeavors to incorporate all manner of academics into a program that reflects the children’s own interests and abilities. This keeps enthusiasm, self-esteem and learning at exceptionally high levels. And it makes the class a very happy place to be as well!
Younger Classers are also learning – with support from adults, from older children and from each other – how to be a part of “The New School Way,” how to cooperate, how their classroom and the school operate, what their own roles are and what will be expected from them. Play times provide a stream of opportunities for learning and reinforcing social skills and negotiating, while honoring each individual’s experience. The quantity of time devoted to positive and complete conflict resolution often surprises visitors, but so does the maturity and self-reliance that our students typically demonstrate by the time they are ready to join the Middle Class!
Additionally, interaction with the other classes at the school offers another level of richness to life in the Younger Class. Whole-school projects, games and trips, as well as daily interaction with older children, give Younger Class students opportunities to develop friendships and mentor relationships with their “older and wiser” schoolmates.
Younger Class Highlights
Click on an image to view the entire gallery.
Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Puppets[EasyGallery id=’yc:puppets’] |
Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream — Puppet Show[EasyGallery id=’yc:puppetshow’] |
Mushroom Project[EasyGallery id=’yc:mushrooms’] |
Beach Treasures[EasyGallery id=’yc:beachtreasures’] |
Thanksgiving Play[EasyGallery id=’yc:2011thanksgivingplay’] |